Staff Mobility @UNIFI: visit to the Novamont Research Centre in Novara!
The Chinese HEIs staff visited the Research Centre of Novamont in Novara. N
The Chinese HEIs staff visited the Research Centre of Novamont in Novara. N
Staff mobility in Florence foresees a full immersion on training on e-learn
Staff Mobility at the University of Florence is presently on-going. It will
Today, August 16, 2019, the Staff Mobility at Mälardalen University started
佛罗伦萨大学代表BBChina项目团队与意大利驻华商会(CCIC)在备忘录(MoU)上签字。 备忘录将促进参加BBChina硕士课程的中国学生与CCI
Eighteen Professors and Teachers of the three Chinese Universities took par
A poster was presented at the 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibiti
The BBChina project presented at European academic level. A presentation wa